Saturday, February 29, 2020

What is a Image - Part 4

Welcome back!!!!

When you touched about Union File system we talked about layers of cake right so when you combine the layers of the cake you form an image.

Consider Images as templates in VMworld but in Images, you only put all your required libraries and binaries for the Application as a layer and form an image that will be read-only.

Let's take an example, assume our requirement is we need HTTP Web Services on top of Windows Cores OS so you basically will have a small footprint of Windows Core OS as your Layer 1 which will be read-only and then you create a Layer 2 with HTTP Web Services and combine both Layer 1 and  Layer 2 to form an image.

Beauty with this approach is you can create Images of each Layer, version it and anyone can reuse the required Layers needed for there application.

Below example, you have your Layer 1 as Windows Core OS and you can create an Image or you add Layer 2 HTTP Web  layer combine both the layers and form an image or you can add another layer and keep going on as you wish

Layers can be mixed and recreated as you need to form an Image.

Note you can create a number of containers from a Single Image and Images are read-only.

Note -  98% of current production docker setup in running on Unix so for images example I took Windows example for Windows guys to understand only.

Unix Layers example:

As we go into demo you would see that Images for Windows will be much larger than the Unix Images because Windows uses Windows Core or Nano OS for the Layer 1 but the advantage with Linux is that all flavors of Linux on Layer 2 it can be Redhat or Ubuntu or any OS but they all share the same Linux kernel and the images sizes will be small.

Hopefully, with multiple examples hope we understood Images...

Until next one you all have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 28, 2020

Docker Terms - Part 3

Welcome back!!!

this is going to a short one as I wanted to cover a couple of terms we all need to understand

CGroups - Control Groups help to control how each process consumes resources on the host. As containers share the host resources c groups play a role in controlling the resources like CPU, Memory, Network I/O, Access to file system

Namespace - helps the process with their own view of the file system. As containers run on the host and when you log in to container you will see the file system is independent of the host file system

Union File system - think of this as Layers of cake, and you keep adding layers on top of Layer and this is why a key advantage to containers.

Example lets assume you have a base Linux kernel layer a read-only layer and you add an OS layer example RedHat or Ubuntu and then you can add another layer assume adding apache and you add another layer database on top of it

GitHub - I am hoping most of them know what is it, if not it's just a place for a repository for Images.
Most companies publish the images and maintain them and you can pull those Images and use them or add additional layers and create your own Images on the provided base images.

The next one is on images and this should help you understand more on the Union file system...

Until the next one, you all have good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Azure Migration Event - snippet

Good day All,

Welcome back!!! i was sitting on a Azure migration event session, couple of take always Jeff mentioned i thought would mention for others in case you missed the event

1. Azure extend Network - Lets assume that for some reason you need to keep the same IP's for your application now its possible to extend the on-premise Subnet to Azure so that you can keep the Application IP's if required.

2. File Server Migration - Using the Windows Server  2019 Admin center  you can now migrate Windows File Server (Starting Source can be Windows 2003) to Azure Windows 2019 File Server how cool is that.

Couple of good recorded deep dive session can be found on the link below

Until next one you all have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 23, 2020

VM and Docker difference - Part 2

Welcome back!!!!

Before we go further in the docker lets understand the difference between docker and VM.

Virtual Machine Docker
Full OS on each VM Application and Libraries only, share host kernel
Large Form Factor Small Form Factor
Large Storage disk very small storage disk
Boot time in mints Boot time in Seconds
Snapshots are used to roll back and increase storage cost Images layers and versioning easily helps to rollback
Horizontal scaling only possible in the cloud and a lot of prerequisites to be followed Orchestrater like Kubernetes does all the magic under the hood and in seconds
Irrespective of OS kernel you can have any different OS flavors running VM Containers share the host kernel so different OS flavors like Windows, Unix you cant create
Complete Isolation
Management tools
capacity and performance management

To overcome limitations like Isolation and security Hybrid approach can be possible, Confused???
Hybrid here means you create a Virtual Machine and install run Docker inside the Virtual machines.

A lot of things still are like work in progress in terms of docker and as time progress and we are about to see quick changes pretty soon in terms of deployments

going to end here now and Until next one, you all have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's my next certification????

Welcome back!!!!

A couple of weeks after I did my aws sysops I was very determined that the next one will be to crack AZ 103.

As I was doing Az103 I got sidetracked and started to read docker and orchestra engine Kubernetes and I started liking it and I realized I have  completely  stopped az103

At that point, I decided that my next certification would be Kubernetes  Administrator. 

Not sure how many people watched John wick 3, a bounty on the hero and all don's chasing to the bounty would be getting certification done and getting a job and all chasing are Unix admins, developers, architects, and Wintel admins.

Wintel admins I can compete but others is a challenge? Anyone saying Naveen what you talking is the stats 98%, of current docker, Kubernetes  deployment  in production  are on  Unix

So you get certification and want to work then these are the people will try to crush you down...

Knock knock anyone slept through reading and started to watch John wick then I am sorry but I guess we all got the point here.

Anyhow decided to chunk along let's see how far I go for my bounty my certification first step.

As I get along reading and gathering will share to all if anyone wants to get along or just read when free...

Before we go to Kubernetes I would be spending a lot of time on docker trying to peel every bit of it to understand, so let's get started...

The next one to start in the blog would be docker 101 coming soon...

Until then you all have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Monday, February 17, 2020

Docker 101 - Part 1

Welcome back!!!!

We all pretty much understand Hypervisor which basically helps you build virtualization layer on top of physical Hardware whereas Docker engine brings to you Virtualization on top of an operating system by deploying and running applications without requiring a full virtual machine for each application, hope this makes sense

Tried to put a picture probably will give you all some insight

 Not sure if anyone else had this question but when I started with Docker was confused is it not  APP-V, Citrix, VMware Horizon does the same kind of... came across this excellent article so just go over it

If anyone still trying to understand the difference between VM and Container, think of something like this, VM would be like you own a full independent bungalow and you don't share with anyone and image Container as an apartment in a big residential building where you are sharing resources with others.

Below is how Docker communication architecture would look:

 All interactions are done through Docker CLI which communicates with other resources and API calls.

As part of the series, I will break up here and continue in the next part.

Hopefully, this helps someone, Until next one you all have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 24, 2020

2nd AWS Certification - cracked the SYSOPS - Associate

Good day All,

Welcome back Happy New Year to All!!!!!!......

 Completed by 2nd AWS certification that is SYSOPS, as a Windows  Solution Admin guy i wanted to ensure i cover this one before moving to next Certification.

Any followers have any questions on how to? and what you need for preparation? please ping and happy to help.

All i can say is Solution Architect Associate was the base foundation and just few more topics like Cloud Formation,System Manager,RDS you should be good to go for Sysops.

As you all know i started with Azure so thinking next one Certification in next 6 months should be AZ 103

Let see how it goes and keep you guys posted and if any one have any questions you know where to find me....

Until next one you all have a Good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!