Monday, February 17, 2020

Docker 101 - Part 1

Welcome back!!!!

We all pretty much understand Hypervisor which basically helps you build virtualization layer on top of physical Hardware whereas Docker engine brings to you Virtualization on top of an operating system by deploying and running applications without requiring a full virtual machine for each application, hope this makes sense

Tried to put a picture probably will give you all some insight

 Not sure if anyone else had this question but when I started with Docker was confused is it not  APP-V, Citrix, VMware Horizon does the same kind of... came across this excellent article so just go over it

If anyone still trying to understand the difference between VM and Container, think of something like this, VM would be like you own a full independent bungalow and you don't share with anyone and image Container as an apartment in a big residential building where you are sharing resources with others.

Below is how Docker communication architecture would look:

 All interactions are done through Docker CLI which communicates with other resources and API calls.

As part of the series, I will break up here and continue in the next part.

Hopefully, this helps someone, Until next one you all have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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